How to Choose the Right Fishing Hook Size?

Summer is approaching in Australia, and that means many of us are thinking of ways to spend the blissfully warm afternoons. Why not plan a fishing trip?

Beginners and pro anglers alike stand the best chances of reeling in a catch with the right equipment. Aside from a rod, line, and bait, you’ll need appropriate fishing hooks for the catch you’re hoping to pull in. Hooks must be big enough to penetrate the bait and then hold onto the mouth of the fish. It can be confusing when choosing the right fishing hook size because there really is no industry standard for it. Don’t worry; we can help you out!

Sizes & Aughts

Sizes and aughts define the measurement of the hook: 

  • Sizes: Smaller numbers indicate larger sizes when it comes to fishing hooks—the inverse of aughts. When sizes get bigger, the hooks become smaller. 
  • Aughts: Larger numbers indicate larger hooks when it comes to aughts. A larger aught means a larger hook!

What to Consider When Choosing Hook Size

There are some things to consider when choosing the right hook size. 

  • Type of fishing: When choosing the right fishing hook size, you need to determine the type of fishing you’re doing. For example, if you’re doing fly fishing, the hook size you will use will depend on the lure. 
  • Location of fishing: Where are you fishing? Keep in mind that the clarity of the water, the amount of debris, and the speed of the current must be considered when choosing the right hook size. 
  • Type of fish: What type of fish are you trying to catch?
  • Type of lure: You need a properly secured lure to catch the interest of the fish.

Now, here are some types of hooks you can choose from:


If you’re a beginner, a baitholder hook is ideal because it’s so versatile. It’s best used for insects, worms, and grocery store concoctions because its two barbs on the shank keep the bait from falling off the hook. 

Octopus Hook

If you plan to catch some big fish, it’s best to use an octopus hook, which is ideal for catching live minnows and leeches. It has a short shank with a wide gap. Choose #6 or #4 if you aim to catch perch and crappie and you can use a medium size on larger 3-4” for Walleye. If you’re angling for Pike and Bass, the 1/0 is best with larger 4-6”. When it comes to colour, red is a great option because it’s better for deeper depths. 

Aberdeen Hook

If you’re looking for a hook that can bottom, an Aberdeen hook is an excellent choice. It has thin, long wire shanks, which makes them great for fragile bait. When you snag something, the hook will bend and twist for an easier release. If you want to catch Trout or Panfish, use the smaller #4. 

Wide Gap Hooks

Wide Gap hooks are ideal for Largemouth Bass and big Cats. This type of hook is used with big Minnows or Cut-Bait. 

Catch ‘em All

Choosing the right hook size for fishing may be confusing at first, but when you get the hang of it, you will find it easier to identify which hook size will work best for you. Consider all the information in this post to guide you in making the right choice for your fishing hook size. 

Fishing is a lot easier with Hook-Eze Australia. Grab the best fishing tools and accessories in our shop and make knot-tying difficulties something of the past so you can have the best summer fishing excursions yet!
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