4 Preparations Tips for a Day of Successful Fishing

Preparation is the key to success—and the lack of planning is a sure-fire way to fail! This applies to anything, be it for starting a business or driving a car. However, some activities may need a little more prep than others, and this applies incredibly to fishing. The more prepared you are, the likelier it is that you are going to catch fish!  

That said, some reminders and even tips on how to properly prepare are still essential for a successful fishing trip. Whether you are a seasoned angler or a newbie at fishing, such tips will go a long way in ensuring a successful fishing trip. As such, to help you maximise your chances of reeling in fish, here are some preparations you must make before you head out on your trip:

1. Test the drag

Not many anglers do this, but this does not mean you should not be doing it! You should always test the drag on the fishing reel, simply because over time, it can tighten if not tested. 

An over-tensioned drag is bad news for your fishing line, as it can hurt its lifespan and performance. If you are doing fishing as a hobby, the last thing you want to deal with is broken lines, so always test the drag before you head out for any fishing activity! 

If you are using strong lines, such as fluorocarbon lines, this might not be as important—but you can never go wrong testing the drag just to be sure!

2. Check the lines

Line care is vital for any angler out there. The last thing you want to happen during fishing is to have the line snap because of an abrasion or weak spot that you did not account for prior to the activity. As such, always take the time to check the line, and thoroughly, at that! 

Generally, you should check the first two or three feet of the line above the knot for any weakness. This ensures that there is little to no risk of the line snapping because of weakness there before you go ahead and tying bait.

3. Prepare fresh hooks 

Whatever hooks you use, make sure they are fresh ones. If you are using old ones, you are going to risk them rolling over, hurting their ability to catch fish for you! 

Now, this is not to say to replace your hooks after every fishing session! What we are saying is that you should check their strength and integrity—and if you spot any damages or signs of defectiveness, get them replaced right away.

4. Rig everything in advance

Some anglers argue that rigging in advance is not necessary, simply because with good preparation, rigging on the spot is quick and easy. Plus, re-rigging would not be a problem if nothing is rigged just yet! 

Of course, what you think will be up to you. However, if you know exactly what you are going to catch and want to make life easier, it’s best to rig everything in advance. If you do not mind rigging where you are going fishing and are unsure about what fish you will catch, then waiting is a good option as well.


In summary, the more prepared you are before you head out fishing, the easier your life will become. By checking the drag, lines, hooks, and other factors before heading out, you can be sure that when you throw that line into the sea, everything works as you have intended! That being said, there are plenty of accessories you can purchase to make preparation easier. 

Hook-Eze is a device helping anglers tie their tackles quickly and easily while also minimising any risk of injuries! If you are looking for a fishhook knot-tying device in Australia to make your knot-tying life much easier, check out our device!

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